Kantilal J. Patel Charitable Trust organized a food grains distribution drive on 8th June 2021 to distribute necessary food items to residents of Dang district. Distributing over 100 food kits to families in remote villages of Dang. The kits contained grains, pulses, cooking oil and spices.
The pandemic has made these necessary food items expensive and unaffordable to people living in the villages of Dang. As well as costing a lot of the residents of Dang their seasonal jobs. The majority of the tribal population subsist primarily on a diet of rice which they grow on their own. A lot of residents of Dang rely on their seasonal jobs in sugarcane harvesting to gather enough money for the rest of the year.

We hope these kits will prove to be some relief to the tribal villagers of Dang during these difficult times. We are planning to distribute about 1000 food kits like these to more village house-holds and organize more such drives to alleviate the basic needs of the people of Dang.
This relief effort was made possible specifically by Mr. Vithaldas Rathi in memory of his late wife Premlata Rathi along with our other generous donors, both in India and in the United States. We thank our donors for their support in our efforts to improve the lives of the tribal people of the Dang district.
We want to continue these efforts and expand our programs to help as many people of Dang and the surrounding impoverished villages as possible. For that we need the support of everyone. We are open to collaboration with other groups and volunteers to organize relief efforts for the people of Dang. If you share our goals and values please feel free to contact us via the contact us page.
We also require donations to continue our efforts towards our mission of a healthy and happy Dang district. You can help by donating to our trust via various ways mentioned on our donations page.